meet the ingredients...

aloe vera
I am native to Africa, Madagascar and the Arabian Peninsula. The Egyptians referred to me as the "Plant of Immortality". I appear in Chinese and Sumerian writings around 3000 B.C. describing my ability to treat burns, wounds and reduce fever.

argan oil
I am a native of Morocco. I am known for my anti-aging properties, as well as my ability to heal damaged skin due to sun damage and scarring.

I am a native of Europe and have been widely used for medicinal purposes since the 1500s. I am known to reduce inflammation and pain, as well as heal wounds.

I am native to southern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean area. I was first noted in the Third Century, B.C. and was a staple in French gardens. I am known for my skin soothing, tissue repair and itch relief for dry, damaged skin.

I am native to the Asian countries of Japan, Taiwan and China. I have been used for centuries to ward off infection, treat parasitic skin conditions and rashes. I am also used as an insect repellent.

I am native to Europe, North Africa, and some parts of Asia. My history can be traced back to the time of Hippocrates, the father of medicine, in 500 B.C. I am useful for dry, cracked skin, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, insect bites and stings.

clove bud
I am originally native to the North Molucca Islands of Indonesia and have known to have been traded since at least 1500 B.C. In addition to pain relief, I am known to treat bacterial, fungal, viral and parasitic infections such as scabies and ringworm.

coconut oil
I am native to the Asian-Pacific region and have been documented in Indian Ayurvedic medicine since 1500 B.C. I am known to calm skin irritation and itching and help in wound healing.

emu oil
I am native to Australia and according to Aboriginal oral history I have been used for over 40,000 years. I am able to quickly penetrate the outer layers of the skin to provide deep healing of wounds and scar tissue. I also hydrate the skin and prevent water loss.

I am native to Australia and have been used for thousands of years by the Aboriginal people. I am known as a remedy for wounds, insect stings and bites.

I am native to the Arabian Peninsula and have been traded for more than 5000 years. Throughout history I have been used to treat skin infections, scars and wounds.

I am native to southern Africa and have been documented by the ancient Egyptians. I am known to have antibacterial, antimicrobial, and antiseptic properties that are beneficial for skin infections, skin irritations and acne breakouts. I am also an anti-inflammatory.

gotu kola
I am native to southeast Asia and was first noted by the Chinese in 200 B.C. as the "Fountain of Life". I am known for my wound healing by increasing the blood flow to the affected area. I am also used for preventing/reducing scars and stretch marks, as well as for psoriasis.

I am native to the Mediterranean and southern Europe region. My medicinal properties have been listed in Greek, Roman, and medieval European texts. I am known for pain relief and acne, eczema, psoriasis and wound healing.

jojoba oil
I am native to northern Mexico and southwestern United States. The O'odham Native American tribe used my oil to treat sores and wounds. I am also used for rashes, rosacea, eczema and psoriasis.

I am an amino acid that helps build protein and found naturally in the body. Amino acids are considered the "building blocks" of life. I am known for my anti-aging effects that reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. I hydrate dry skin and restore moisture.

I am native to the Mediterranean, Middle East and India and used by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, and Romans for 2500 years. My healing properties include skin infection, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, wounds, sunburn, acne, and insect bites. I can also be used as an insect deterrent.

I am native to Sri Lanka and South India and have been used in Ayurvedic medicine for thousands of years. I am known for treating insect bites and as an insect repellent.

manuka honey
I am native to New Zealand and come from the nectar of the manuka tree which is considered by early settlers as a "treasure" due to its healing properties. I am antibacterial, antifungal and promote burn and wound healing.

I am a naturally occurring organosulfur compound that is found in humans, plants and animals. At times, people need additional MSM to help treat issues such as scar tissue, stretch marks, wrinkles, sunburn, wounds and rosacea.

I am a native of northeast Africa and Arabia adjacent to the Red Sea. I have been used for thousands of years as a wound healer and have the ability to treat eczema, insect and parasitic bites, skin infections and ringworm.

I am a native of India and pre-date recorded history for medicinal use. The United Nations has declared me as the "Tree of the 21st Century". I have been used throughout history to treat bacterial skin infections, parasitic skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, scabies, acne, insect bites and stings.

olive oil
I am native to the Mediterranean Basin and have been produced prior to 4000 B.C. I am useful for dry, damaged skin, as well as itching and sun damage.

I am a native of Northern Africa and the Mediterranean. I am documented in Egyptian medical text from 1550 B.C. and known for my antibacterial properties.

rosehip seed
I am a native of Chile and have been used for centuries. I am known for my anti-aging properties which reduce sun damage, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and treat moderate acne. I am also good for eczema and scarring.

I am a native of Polynesia and have been used for centuries as a topical first aid for a wide range of skin conditions. I am known to help heal wounds, damaged skin, acne and eczema. I am also able to help reduce scarring.

tea tree
I am a native of Australia and have been used by Aboriginal people for thousands of years. I am known to treat bacterial, fungal and parasitic skin conditions, heal wounds and treat acne.

I am native to India and have been used for 4000 years in Ayurvedic medicine, as well as ancient Chinese medicine. I am known to treat acne and hyperpigmentation and could help with psoriasis and eczema.

Vitamin E
I am full of moisturizing properties that helps dry skin and itchiness. I can also help alleviate the symptoms of eczema and psoriasis. What I am most known for is my ability to reduce and reverse scarring.